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Geoff Abernethy

When it comes to flooring, our Northern Sales Manager, Geoff Abernethy has never looked back. He has certainly been part of our successful journey in the industry, and looks to continue the growth for Kellars in 2022. With a busy work schedule, responsible for 6… Read More »Geoff Abernethy

Ryan Lindley

After 3 years with Kellars as an Area Sales Manager, Ryan Lindley still loves the thrill of selling flooring products everyday, even after 10 years of working in the industry. Throughout his career, Ryan has always had a passion for Sales, with his first role… Read More »Ryan Lindley

Jamie McArthur

With the continued expansion and growth taking place at Kellars, we wanted to catch up with our newest Area Sales Manager: Jamie McArthur Jamie began his journey with Kellars back in June 2020 as a driver in Scotland when the depot first opened up.  He… Read More »Jamie McArthur

Let’s talk re-brands

If you’ve been checking out our social media lately, you may have noticed our new Floorlink logo, and re-branded Artificial Grass. Now known as Novoturf! Novoturf: With 2022 flying by, we wanted to share our new Novoturf Artificial Grass branding with you in time for… Read More »Let’s talk re-brands